“Over the course of a couple of years, Claus has carried out a successful strategy process in our company,” says Per Hedeman, Chairman of the Board. “Claus’ inspiring and confronting manner was a strong factor in the rapid creation of the necessary enthusiasm and interest in the company’s whereabouts from our people, short-term as well as long-term. His exceptional understanding of the challenges of our organization stressed the importance and the concept of having a good grip on our strategic challenges.“
“During the subsequent work with managers from different levels about operational decisions, Claus has been of assistance in the implementation of several organizational adjustments. His behavior during the whole course of action has brought about substantial respect within our management team, and Claus has become a sought-after coach for a number of our managers, to ensure a safe landing in the deployment of the decisions of the strategy process.”
“The success of Claus’ performance in this project comes from a mixture of his professional and personal qualities, as well as his vast experience as a CEO and his commitment to the task before him. His bubbling spirits are most certain a contributing factor to his success. I can highly recommend Claus’ services.”
Jan Jensen, CEO, Nordisk Bogcenter A/S: ”Claus is fast as lightning and very inspiring to work with. He understands the art of getting you to face the heart of the problem”
“In the beginning of 2006, Claus and I were asked by our executive office to analyze a number of internal procedures within the Gyldendal Group, internally in Gyldendal as well as the interaction between Gyldendal and its subsidiaries. Together with our marketing department and the NBC (Nordisk Bog Center), we laid the foundation stone for what was to become www.bogportalen.dk, the new online trading platform for the whole publishing industry in Denmark. This work was very exciting, and Claus’ performance as “whip” enabled us to fulfill the specs and disseminate the concept across the industry in a mere six months. At the same time, I was appointed temporary CEO of NBC, which later became a permanent position. Together, Claus and I have carried out a vision and strategy process in NBC, followed by a change management drill – with excellent results.
Claus is fast as lightning and very inspiring to work with. He quickly gets to the core of every challenge - or even better - he understands how to get you to face the heart of the problem.”